Please dont ask me if Im selling a cel or not.
If you read description below. Im not active selling, but I do take offers.
But have it on your mind, offer need to be worth for me to sell from my collection.
Hope I dont offend anyone. But its a lot of work for me to take a lot of photos and sending it away, after that to receive a very poor offer. Hope you guys understand.


Nice to see that there is so many celcollectors here. I was a cel dealer long ago, but now Im just a celcollector.

Nice to have a site where I can show my collection.
(Attention, Im not here looking for buyers to sell)

I do take offers, meaning that it must be a very good and high price. Otherwise I will not sell.

Thanks for looking at my gallery.

News & Updates

2/28/2008Have been buzy and a bit lazy. Hope I will have more time to add more cels to the site. I have more dragonball, Tenchi muyo and Gundam X cels.
8/19/2007I added 2 Goku cel and some dragonball cel on Ebay section.
7/20/2007I added a SS Vegeta at Ebay section, Oloong cel at Dragonball 10th Anniversary section & Goku Jr at Last tournament section.
7/11/2007I added some Pan cel, Chibi Goku and Goku cel. Have a look, very nice cels :-D

Gallery Contents
Private Area
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Title Last Updated
Bubblegum crisis (バブルガムクライシス) (4) 1/25/2007
Chiisana Kyojin Microman (小さな巨人ミクロマン) (1) 11/9/2006
Dragonball 10th Anniversary Special (6) 7/20/2007
Dragonball Chibi Goku (5) 7/11/2007
Dragonball Goku (4) 8/19/2007
Dragonball Misc (4) 2/7/2007
Dragonball Pan (18) 7/11/2007
Dragonball Piccolo (2) 11/19/2006
Dragonball PS Final Bout intro (5) 11/13/2006
Dragonball Son Goten (2) 11/9/2006
Dragonball SS4 Goku (6) 11/16/2006
Dragonball SS4 Vegeta (1) 11/9/2006
Dragonball The Last tournament (2) 11/20/2006
Dragonball Villains (2) 11/9/2006
Ebay (8) 8/19/2007
Genocyber (ジェノサイバー虚界の魔獣) (4) 12/11/2006
Gundam X : After War (6) 1/29/2007
Ikkyū-san (一休さん) (1) 7/6/2007
La Blue Girl (1) 11/9/2006
Ranma 1/2 (らんま½, ) (2) 7/6/2007
Saint Seiya (聖闘士星矢) (2) 12/5/2006
Tenchi Muyo Ayeka (3) 12/15/2006
Tenchi Muyo Ryoko (3) 11/20/2006
Tenchi Muyo Sasami (5) 2/7/2007
Tenchi Muyo Tenchi (2) 11/20/2006
Tenchi Muyo Washu (1) 11/20/2006
Tenchi Muyo Yugi (3) 11/20/2006
Tetsujin 28-go (鉄人28号) (1) 1/25/2007

Curator: dragonhf
Gallery Created: 11/8/2006
Hits: 10173

Presentation 7.91/10   Collection 8.23/10   Overall 8.06/10   Votes 16 votes
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